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Amway: An American Story

Amway™ is proud to present a four-part documentary series that explores the journeys of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) as they navigate dynamic lives from their corner of America. Through their personal stories of resilience, community and personal and professional growth, we gain a deeper understanding of the entrepreneurial spirit that defines Amway. Discover a shared connection. Draw inspiration from their journeys. And see how Amway supports and empowers small business owners every step of the way.

Trailer, Amway: An American Story
Get a sneak peek of a four-part documentary series that follows the journey of small business owners across the country – visionaries, risk-takers and everyday people shaping their communities through a shared passion. Amway: An American Story captures the spirit of entrepreneurship that fuels the nation.
Part 1: Uniting People With Purpose
Part One dives into the lives of American small business owners, providing a personalized look at the modern economy. Explore the challenges and triumphs of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) as they unite with purpose and share their unique stories.
Part 2: Fostering Communities that Care
Part Two highlights Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who go beyond entrepreneurship to foster strong, supportive networks. These individuals inspire their communities to come together with compassion and care when life unexpectedly calls for resilience.
Part 3: From Farms to Families
Part Three discovers how small business owners channel their passion for supporting health and wellbeing into purpose – providing their customers with high-quality health and wellness products and holistic programs.
Part 4: Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit
Part Four highlights entrepreneurs experiencing personal and professional development throughout their journey as business owners. Watch to learn how Amway supports the entrepreneurial community from all walks of life.

Learn more about the Amway Independent Business Owners featured in the documentary series.

National Women’s Small Business Month: Handan, Hebei to Amway 

Hanxiang Song was born in China in 1962. From a young age, her parents instilled in her the power of hard work. Today, Hanxiang is an Amway Independent Business Owner in the United States, operating one of the nearly 13 million women-owned small businesses in the US.

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Building community with a health-focused business 

Countless studies and experiences of many have shown that attempts to better one’s health have a greater chance at long-term success when done in community rather than when done alone. That’s certainly been the experience for Kanth, PhD, and Shaku Miriyala of Dallas, Texas, who lead a growing Amway business focused on health and wellbeing products and programs.

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Educator, Entrepreneur and Inspiration: Meet Marisa Garcia 

Marisa is an educator and entrepreneur with a strong commitment to service. It is this commitment that has impacted hundreds of individuals, throughout her successful career as an educator and business owner.

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IBOs Across the Country
Marisa Garcia
Amway Independent Business Owners Since 2002
San Jose, California

Next Door Entrepreneur

We’ll share insights, analyze trends and spotlight current stories from entrepreneurs and community leaders around the country.