A Win for Small Businesses is a Win for America
The new year has seen new lawmakers taking office in Washington and state capitals across the country. In anticipation of an impactful year for small business owners in communities throughout America, Amway extends congratulations to all the incoming members of the U.S. House and Senate from both parties.
A company with deep American roots and a commitment to U.S. manufacturing, Amway understands the importance of entrepreneurship when it comes to driving the nation.

Since the company’s founding in 1959, Amway has lowered barriers to entrepreneurship for aspiring business owners nationwide. How? By addressing what has historically been the largest obstacle to entrepreneurs – a lack of capital.
Amway provides individuals with the products, supply chains, personal online storefronts, education and a nationwide network of support – all key foundational elements of starting a new venture – without the hurdles and high costs associated with starting a brand-new product line from scratch. Amway believes in a pathway to business ownership that does not require world-changing ideas or startup costs that are out of reach for most people.
By providing a low-risk, high-impact opportunity for individuals to explore entrepreneurship, Amway has allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to realize their dream of owning their own businesses. Today, there are ~290,000 Amway IBOs spread out across the country. Beyond that, the company has a history of partnering with lawmakers to champion the cause of American entrepreneurship.
2024 data shows that small businesses account for 43.5% of America’s GDP. Since the U.S. economy thrives on entrepreneurship, Amway knows that lowering the barriers preventing Americans from owning their own businesses benefits the country as a whole. Through paying taxes and investing in the local economy, small business owners impact their local communities, which advances the American economy. In turn, an investment in small businesses is an investment in America.
Amway continues to look for opportunities to collaborate with policymakers to expand small business opportunities for all Americans. We support entrepreneurs and welcome a year of continued opportunities for bipartisan ideas to expand small business ownership.