Making Entrepreneurship Accessible: Opportunity Awaits
By: Adan and Francisca Ledezma
Opportunity is something we constantly talk about in our family. Growing up, for both of us, it was treated as a scarce resource. We were always acutely aware that this shortage directly affected our ability to succeed and grow-both personally and professionally. As Hispanic-Americans, this has always been a prevalent theme for our community and we want to share our testimony as proof that opportunity awaits- you just have to be willing to open the door.
When we began our journeys as entrepreneurs 21 years ago, we were nervous. It felt like the chances of owning a business were low and the risks were all too high. Not to mention, the huge commitment that business ownership entails that we thought would take away from our being there for each other and our 3 kids. While we were passionate about learning to become entrepreneurs, we were highly skeptical about our ability to succeed and make an impact- whether career-focused, family-related, or community-centered.

Thankfully, our reality has been vastly different from all our fears, and we attribute it directly to working with Amway. Their model helps aspiring entrepreneurs, like we once were, become exposed to small business ownership without having to experience the obstacles and costs associated with it. Amway helps its independent business owners develop their own business plans and goals while providing high-quality, trusted products and an existing supply chain – taking away a lot of the risks new business owners generally have to shoulder. This allows us to meet customers where they are.
Additionally, Amway has a tremendous network of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) – aspiring and veteran – that is incredibly well-connected and functions like a team. We’ve heard this a million times, but it still rings just as true as it did the first: “You are in business for yourself but not by yourself.” With the endless support and cooperation we have received from so many other Amway IBOS, and the resources Amway has shared with us to develop our entrepreneurial skills, we have never felt alone. We have not had to invest hours, weeks, and months figuring it all out by ourselves, leaving us more time to focus on the things that are really important-like helping our family, selling teams and customers to live better, healthier lives.
Amway has provided us countless opportunities – to build our business while being around for our family, to have flexible earning potential, and opportunities like promoting our business development with legislators at the U.S. Capitol!
Our work with Amway has redefined the way we look at opportunity-it is no longer scarce but rather achievable for those with a passion for entrepreneurship and a drive to work and make a difference. We do not think of “entrepreneurship” as a sacrifice of our time and values anymore. Instead, we see it as a means to build a business while being there for our family and building connections with our community.
Amway makes opportunity accessible, and for that, we are forever grateful.